One of my favorite books is by Richard Foster.
I like him for 3 reasons:
1- He is a Quaker.
2- He is insightful and nuanced.
3- He wrote "Celebration of Discipline"
It is great book to use in discussion with others or just to read on your own. I read it first by myself, and found myself wanting to discuss the ideas with others. This year we are reading it with our small group. One of Foster's main ideas is that the disciplines bring freedom. We are freed from our dependence on always having our own way when we submit to God's will. We are freed from our worry and selfishness when we practice the discipline of prayer. We are freed from hurry and business when we practice the discipline of simplicity and let God fill the space in our lives that we filled with other things.
May we all find peace in life by making room for God to give it to us.
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