Regardless of your theology of Wal-Mart, it is a welcome sight to see English on signs sometimes, and have a Chinese word that is recognizeable (Wol-ma!) Today I went to Wal-mart in China for the first time. On my way downtown in the bus a girl asked me how she could improve her English and we chatted for a minute and exchanged phone numbers. On the way into Wal-mart a guy passing out flyers for Wal-mart on the street stopped me and asked if I could teach him English and take him to America. After encouraging him to buy an English book and talk with people who knew English and avoiding his question about taking him to America, I went into Wal-mart. Wal-mart is HUGE and located on the corner of the central square in Nanchang. It was strange, because I recongized the layout, and the shiny floors, and the Rolling' Back the Prices style, but I had no idea what the signs said, and walking through the food section I had no idea what anything was. It was familiarity and unfamiliarity together. They have a Christmas section there, but it's only all about Santa here as far as the stores are concerned. After I went through the check out line I went into the KFC inside Wal-mart. The girl at the counter helped me in English, then asked "Can we be friends?" We chatted for a minute or two. She went to a translators school a few years ago, and has been working at KFC for 6 months. She is from Mongolia and she invited me to visit her at her home. She gave me her contact info and asked for mine. It is strange being one of the maybe 100 foreigners who live in this city of 4 million. People are so excited to learn about my life and to practice their English and welcome me to their home. Would a foreigner receive such a welcome into the United States? Because of the melting pot nature of things, it isn't so readily apparent when someone is a visitor of the U.S. but would a Chinese teacher in America be welcomed so warmly? I have more invitiations to visit homes than I have time... I have never been disparaged for not knowing Chinese...only praised for my feeble attempts. There are more people trying to learn English in China than there are native English speakers. How many people are studying Chinese in America? China has been so friendly to me, and I want to return the favor by being friendly to China in America someday.
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